Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Favorites

Today's Friday Favorite isn't something you can go buy or's favorite is...

MY little Brother. He isn't that little anymore and that makes me sad. In fact, he is a second year law student at a very good law school somewhere East of Texas. (Vague I know!)

Throughout the past almost 25 years (geez he's almost 25!) he has been the best brother I could ever ask for. As we were growing up our parents never let us bring friends on trips- that's why we had a brother/sister and so we got along (mostly!) It was fun traveling together - and my parents "cut us loose" a lot. We had to stay together but could meet them back in 2 hours. It was great.

This time of year I get all sentimental because we don't see each other often - ever since I left for College it has been every few months and then stretched further to 3 times a year. It makes me sad but at the same time - I love how we have stayed in touch - email, texting, calling each other. I feel very fortunate that we WANT to see each other and that we WANT to stay in touch. He is coming in town right before my birthday and leaving right after Christmas. I cannot wait to spend quality time with him. B will be with his family and his B (his gf's name also starts with a B!) will be with her family. SO my little brother and I will party on my birthday together, go get sushi together one night, watch a Christmas story and probably lament together that our parents drive us crazy but that we are so incredibly lucky to have each other, amazing parents and truly wonderful lives.

B, Me and my little brother last year celebrating my birthday with Roger Creager! 

My little brother and myself on my ACTUAL birthday in Dallas. 

1 comment:

katmcd said...

Super cute family photos. I hope you are able to celebrate the holidays with them!