Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 29: 3 things you cannot live without

Since you said THINGS and I am keeping this light hearted - And because I feel we go:

A - apple iphone
B- MY B! :)
C- the letter that begins my brother's name
D - the letter that begins my father's name
E -the English language - I love it!
F - flowers
G - girlfriends
H -hair straightener
I - the letter that begins my mother's name
J - Jesus!
K - king size snuggly!
L - lipgloss
M - mascara
N - nature
O - opinions - I have lots!
P - popcorn
Q - the all Royalty things - I'm just fascinated!
R - Roxy
S -strawberry jelly
T- trust
U -umbrella - especially the cute one I own!
W - Water...for after all of that VINO ;)
X - Xi - reminds me of my sorority sisters since Xi is one of our letters
Y - the color Yellow - it makes me happy!
Z - the Zoo...I love the Zoo

That was fun.


Kelly V. said...

The zoo is one of my favorite places to visit - I wish we had one closer!

Christina said...

hair straightener and vino, absolutely!! i might have to steal this from you

meghan said...

love the a-z twist you put on this =)

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

So glad you put the twist on it!!!