Tpyically I post a pinterest post on Monday...but not this Monday.
This Monday is different. 3 years ago today, B and I started dating..for real this time. In the past we had gone on a few dates here and there, but we never actually had a relationship. We were friends.
Everything changed on October 29, 2009. We had been hanging out, going on a few dates and just genuinely enjoying each others company - little did we know we were starting a relationship.
We traveled, went to weddings, hung out with friends, partied, got to know each of other's families:
This time we were both in it, for real. 2 and half years later, on April 5, 2012 this happened:
And now, on October 29, 2012 - 3 years from the date we started dating - I cannot believe we are getting married in a few months.
I don't normally do this, but here goes:
From the moment we became friends in college, I knew you were different. I did NOT know you would one day become my fiance and my soon to be husband. I knew you were kind, generous, always down for some fun, and that you smiled constantly. I knew you were passionate about life, cars and having a cold beer. I did not know you were also passionate about me. I knew you were a wonderful friend and I knew we could talk for hours - our bank statements probably agree since we drank so much starbucks in college together. I did not know we would be sharing those long talks and endless starbucks together years later. I knew we were friends, I never thought we would one day be husband and wife.
I cannot tell you how amazing it is to see us grow - grow up, become adults, see each other through rough times and great times - but mostly to have you by my side. I am lucky, I am blessed.
Thank you for the countless times we met at the starbucks on Far West, the many rides home in college after a great night at Cain and Abels, fun poker nights, going to the shooting range, long talks about love and life, telling me I shouldn't do something (only to still do it and you be right!), all of the adventure, the camping, the trips, making me try things out of my comfort zone but mostly...
thank you for taking the bold move of getting in contact with me after a few years had gone by with no communication between us. Without that - we wouldn't have built this amazing life together.
I never thought in a million years that long ago from our very first date back in 2003, to becoming friends for years, to losing touch and meeting up again in 2009 that we would be here in our life together. I cannot wait for us to be married.
I love you with all of my heart,