Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life!

This has been going around and I decided to link up on this about us meme.

1. How long have you two been together? 2.5 years or so.
We went on a few dates back when I was 21 and we were in college and decided we should just be friends. 4 years later we went out a few times and still decided to be friends. Then 2.5 years after that we decided to give it a go and it was perfect...perfect for us. I've known him for almost 10 years and during college he was one of my best friends.

2. Do you have any nicknames you call each other? I call him hun. Usually I just use his real name...which isn't "B" ha.

3. Name three things you love most about him.
 He's adventurous, he's incredibly loving and he makes me laugh constantly. Oh and he can fix EVERYTHING...it is a great thing !

4. Tell us how he proposed...Not quite there yet...BUT when it does happen you will be told...probably more than once!

5. Is he a flowers and teddy bears kind of guy or a strawberries, champagne and rose petals kind of guy for valentine's day?  I get flowers and champagne and we go to dinner.

6. Are you a sunset on the beach kind of girl or a pop a movie and relax kinda girl? Both.

7. Tell us one thing you would like to do with your significant other some day? Travel more. I know we travel often but the world is large and I want to see it all!

8. What are your Valentine's Day plans? We are keeping it low key as we are going on a trip soon - but we are going to our favorite sushi place!

9. Are you asking for anything for Valentine's DAy? Nope. Our trip soon is my Valentine's Day present!

10. One piece of advice to keep a relationship strong?  Laugh together often. More often than not.

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