Wednesday, January 4, 2012



What was 2011....

Where did you begin 2011? I was in Houston with B.

What was your status by Valentine's Day? I was with B.

Were you in school (anytime this year)? nope

Did you have any encounters with the police? nope

Where did you go on vacation? Florida, the Bahamas, California,

What did you purchase that was over $500? hmm...I am sure there is something....

Did you know anybody who got married? yes

Did you know anybody who passed away? Unfortunately the world lost 3 of my family members this year. It was a ROUGH year.

Did you move anywhere? no

What sporting events did you attend? Astros, Texans....

Where do you live now? Htown

What's the one thing you thought you would never do, but did, in 2011? Spend 10 days at sea with B's parents!  

What has been your favorite moment(s)? Going to the Bahamas. I loved it.

What's something you learned about yourself? I can do almost anything that I put my mind to

Any new additions to your family? Yes, I mean a lot of my friends had babies and my friends are considered family to me!

Get a new job? nope

How old did you turn this year? 29

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