Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Five

B comes home tonight. B has been traveling like crazy for work - in fact it is the 20th of the month and he has slept in his own bed only 2 nights this month. I am so ready for my husband to be home for a while.

Girls night. Tonight is our monthly girls night and I am so ready to catch up with my girlfriends. We are all sorority sisters and were in the sorority during the same years, but we didn't all become friends until a few years after graduation when we all lived in the same city. It is really fun to meet up with the girls and catch up on life.

The downstairs is almost completely painted. My dad and I have been working hard on it this month. I hope by early October it is completed and then B and I can start on the furnishings! (Like I said, we are doing this very slowly - which is why it is taking some time.

Rain. It has been raining like crazy and I love it. I sleep so much better in the rain!

Date night is Saturday or Sunday brunch, we haven't decided.  See number one and you will see why I am so excited about a date with my husband! I'm a lover of brunch- he is a lover of sleeping in and I also know he really wants a home cooked meal- good thing I've already planned the next week of our meals as I know he wants nothing to do with restaurants!

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