Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Picture post of Colorado-
It was beautiful. The Aspens were changing and truly it was perfect weather!

And at the end I realized - we took ZERO pictures together - at least I know his grandfather has a few! :)

Big Bend picture post

Over labor day I mentioned that B and I went to Big Bend - but I never had the time to post some photos so here goes...

Friends of ours- scouting a trail I think...

Our campsite

The mercury mine

The mountains

The cactus were in full bloom!

One of the trails

The tunnel - I just loved this!

Blogging Break

I have been somewhat lazy in my blogging...for lots of reasons - I am super busy in my "real" life that I haven't had time to document it in my blog.

B and I were in Colorado last week for a trip with his grandfather. It was so much fun - and truly I needed it.

I will be back on a more continally basis shortly - with a lot of updates about my life - but for now I just have to learn patience. It is hard on me. The past few months have been taxing on me as a whole. I just need to BREATHE. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Favorite

Today's Friday Favorite is....

Favorite Movie...

MY all time hands down favorite movie is


What is yours?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 Favorite hair products:

1. Brazilian Blowout Shampoo

2. Brazilian Blowout Conditioner

Every since I got the Brazillian Blowout about 2 months ago those are the only 2 products I use in my unruly curly, frizzy hair...ever since I got the Brazillizn Blowout I have had fantastic, shiny, non frizzy amazing hair. What used t be an hour of getting my hair to do what I is now literally 10 minutes.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

When I get a day to myself I like to...Read. ALL DAY.

High school was... fun and I enjoyed it...but I love my life more now. I feel sorry for those who look at high school as one of the best times in their lives....there is soooooooo much more out there!

A little dream I have is... to travel to Australia. I know to some this is a BIG dream, but for me it's a little dream as I love to travel and I know I will somehow manage to do this, even if it means no shopping for a year!

A big dream I have is... finding the right person to be married to forever. I say this is a big dream because with 65% of marriages ending in divorce, I would like to NOT be a statistic, thank you very much.

If I could drive any car my pick would be... the car I have right now. I love it.

A time I felt truly beautiful was... I don't know. I always feel a little pretty in someway. I guess the last time I felt overwhelmingly beautiful was a while ago...hmm...

Tomorrow I will... watch the Longhorns, sleep in, drink coffee and read. :)

Friday Favorites...a twist

Friday Favorite:

This weeks isn't anything you can "buy" but because Football Season has begun I couldn't go any farther without saying that my Friday Favorite is....


Hook 'Em Horns! We play Tech on Saturday...I'll be cheering on my boys!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So I just saw my Follower count and I am astonished! I cannot believe I am at 40 followers! Just wanted to say hi to all of you "readers". I hope in some way this blog brings you joy, happiness and whatever else may be. I love having a "history" of my life and I love the blogging community :)

Hope y'all have an amazing day!

Memories and hopes

I for the first time in a long time have "writers/bloggers block"

I started this blog as a way for me to look back on my life and see how I have changed. I've always had a diary/journal and when I left for college I started a blog. This is probably my 5th blog and so far it has proven to be helpful to show me how much I have grown.

I love to look back on my life and "remember" and I love to look forward and "hope".

I remember the following:
  •  I felt when I started law school - I was excited and knew this was what I wanted to do with my life, I was in a new state and loving life.
  • The way I felt when I decided I no longer wanted to be an attorney - it took a lot of soul searching that summer and I realized that I was so incredibly unhappy- and yet I loved Chicago- all of it!
  • The way I felt when I was "alone" again (it was difficult and yet a blessing more of a blessing than I could ever have hoped for)  
  •  Starting a business with my Dad and becoming closer to my family. I am so incredibly blessed to have the family I have - and sometimes when I meet people that aren't as fortunate to come from such a loving family I wonder "how do they do it?" because my family gives me strength when I don't have, love when I am not feeling it and happiness always.
 All of those happened within 1.5 years.  It was a rough, tough 1.5 years. I would say the toughest in my entire life. I am glad it is behind me because I have such a bright amazing future. I love my life.

Truly one day I said to myself "I have one life so I might as well love it and be happy every single day - so I am."  It is amazing what that statement did to my life.

I am hopeful for the following:
  • To find another career path - while working with my father has been amazing and wonderful and everything that I could have ever wanted, it is time to move forward in my career.
  • To find an amazing apartment within the loop and near where I want to be - I have an area in the city that I have always wanted to live in, and now seems like the perfect time to be doing that
  • To stay happily in love with B - There aren't any problems or anything that is making me think this won't happen, I just want this to stay how it is. I have never had a relationship with zero "issues", nor a relationship without major drama/fighting. I truly have a sincere smile on my face and my heart when I think of us. I am truly grateful for this love.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Top Two Tuesday on a Monday

Top 2 things I want to accomplish this year:

1. A new job/career path: This is something I haven't talked about recently, but I will soon. I am very happy with my decisions and later on I will have an entire post dedicated to this.

2. Move to a new place in the city. The house I live in (that my parents own) is on the market. Once it is sold, I am moving into town and I cannot wait. I am ready for a new adventure- I just can't believe so much has changed in the past year and a half. I am ready to downsize- get rid of the things I don't just absolutely love. I am not really a "things oriented" kind of person so this is somewhat easy for me.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Big Bend

I've been MIA -

This past labor day weekend B and I were in Big Bend - it was an amazing wonderful trip. I loved it. Isn't it beautiful?

This past week I have been sick sick sick...

so I'm MIA until next week.