Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 4: Tell us about your family

My family:
Currently there are 3 people living in my parents house. My parents and my mom's father. My dad's dad passed away when he was young and my two grandmothers have passed away as well. So as for my immediate family here goes:

I have a mother and a father - this November they will have been married for 35 years. I am so blessed to have such a loving happy example in my life of what true love is.

My mother drives me crazy - but truly she is one of my closest friends. I tell her everything. She is strong, very wise and went from working to being a stay at home mom for over 15 years. Once my brother and I left the house she went back to work. Now she is the CFO of a company. Driven. 100% driven. I hope to be just like her - because she truly can do it all.

My dad and I have the same sense of humor and I am so lucky to have been blessed with a dad who was a great provider, great role model and a parent who has gone out of his way a million times to make his little girl happy. He also can fix anything. I mean ANYTHING. In his off time he is building an airplane. Yes, a real airplane that seats 2 people. It is quite amazing.

When I was 3 years 1 month and 3 days old, my life changed forever. My little brother was born. He is so smart, such a caring, outgoing person and one of my best friends. We talk almost daily and I just wish the ATL was closer to Htown. He is in his 3rd year of law school. I feel lucky that we have such a great relationship as I hear time and time again from friends how they wish they were closer to their siblings. I attribute this to our amazing parents. We were never allowed to bring friends on vacations - so he and I were each other's friend. While on vacation my parents let us roam around a few hours at a time as long as we were together - checking in with them every 2 hours. When I was 18 and he was 15 with a driver's permit they let us take a vacation to Miami to see my grandfather together. It was SO MUCH FUN. I guess my parents tried to instill in us that we were siblings but we could also be friends.
Nowadays we always meet for dinner just the two of us at least one time when he is in town. We make the time to still be friends. I know I am blessed to have this relationship with him and I wouldn't want it any other way.

My Abuelo. My mom's father is another wonderful man in my life. I am surrounded by wonderful men - in my generation of the grandkids etc - I am the only girl. I am the only girl born in our family since my mom. ON ALL SIDES. I am also the first grandchild on my mom's side. Abuelo lights up a room with his stories, his laughter and his joy in life. He may partake a little too much in the red wine now and then, but at "28 backwards" (as he says) he can do what he pleases. My brother and I grew up with our grandparents nearby, in our house or around the corner. Abuelo has been at every large or small event in my life. When people meet him and they ask what to call him he says "Abuelo, everyone calls me Abuelo". Grandfather in every sense of the word. In his previous life before retirement he was an engineer for NASA, Saudi Aramco and a few other companies - let's just say my science projects growing up were "THE BEST" every single time.

I truly love my family.

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